Quick view Aim Sports Aim Sports G.i. Style Stock Body, Aimsports Us-asm4stk Ar/m4 Stock Body/mil-spec $19.99 The ar g.I.Style stock features a modular design and a quick pull adjustment lever.Fits mil-spec buffer tubes.Includes reversible qd sling mount, rear sling loop and standard sling mount.Firearm Model: AR-PlatformAdjustment Type: Quick Pull Adjustment... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Industries Corp Acs-l, Magpul Mag378-blk Acs-l Carbine Stock Mil-spec $80.70 Made in the usa, the magpul acs-l (adaptable carbine stock - light) is a drop-in replacement buttstock for ar15/m4 carbines using mil-spec sized receiver extension tubes.A streamlined version of the acs, the acs-l utilizes the same center storage... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Industries Corp Moe, Magpul Mag400-blk Moe Carbine Stock Mil-spec $42.70 Made in the usa, the moe stock mil-spec model (magpul original equipment) is a drop-in replacement buttstock for ar15/m16 carbines using mil-spec sized receiver extension tubes.Designed for light, fast action the streamlined a-frame profile avoids... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Bravo Company Machine Bravo Company Machine Bcmgunfighter, Bcm Gfs-mod-0-blk Stock Assembly Mod 0 $55.95 This item is the stock only. This stock features a light-weight polymer material, no sharp edges, a modular vbost, and has a black finish.Type: StockFirearm Type: RifleFirearm Model: AR-15Material: PolymerFinish: BlackTube Included: No Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Aim Sports Aim Sports Ar15 Modular Stock, Aimsports Aramsol Ar15 Advanced Modular Stock $39.99 When we set out to design our own rifle stock, we knew it had to offer multiple configuration options right out of the box. We considered each way a person might need to shoulder their firearm, whether wearing gear or not and the range of adjustment that... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view B5 Systems B5 Systems SOP1074 SOPMOD Rifle Glass Reinforced Polymer Black $95.00 The enhanced sopmod features ergonomic cheek weld, color matched steel hardware, overmolded steel anti rotational qd sling mounts, fixed sling mounts, no slip cushioned butt pad, suregrip stock latch, and dual storage compartments.The enhanced sopmod is... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Wilson Combat Wilson Combat TRSUPERSTOC Callapsible Super-Stoc Carbine Polymer Black $61.95 Wilson combat's rogers super-stoc is the ultimate refinement in ar/m4 stock technology.It features the innovative cam-lock system which completely removes any slop or play inherent with collapsible stocks.The stock can be locked down by clicking the... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Kriss Kriss Usa Ds150, Kriss Dads150bl00 Ar15 Buttstk Blk mil spec $49.99 This buttstock can fit to a defiance ar-15.Type: ButtstockFirearm Type: AR RifleFirearm Model: AR-15Finish: Black Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Industries Corp Acs, Magpul Mag370-blk Acs Carbine Stock Mil-spec $90.20 Made in the usa, the magpul acs (adaptable carbine/storage) mil-spec model is a drop-in replacement buttstock for ar15/m4 carbines using mil-spec sized receiver extension tubes.Dual, rear accessible, water-resistant battery storage tubes and an integral... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view F.A.B. Defense Fab Defense FX-GLSHOCK GLSHOCK M4 M16 STOCK $84.99 The revolutionary patented gl-shock absorbing buttstock contains an "anti-rattle" recoil-reducing mechanism with a built in premium silicon chrome alloy spring creating a state-of-the-art stock for your m4/m16.Made from mill-spec reinforced polymer... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view F.A.B. Defense Fab Defense (usiq) Glr-16, Fab Fx-glr16b Glr16 Ar15 M16 Stock Blk $55.99 The glr-16 buttstock for your ar15/m16 provides you with enhanced versatility with it's stock extension and uniquely designed rubber butt pad for fast and stable shoulder positioning. Its unique patented "anti-rattle" mechanism, fits perfectly on... Compare Add to Cart