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Gun Shop

Only items with an SKU number that starts with an "AR-" are available in the Fort Worth store. All other items are at remote warehouses.




L3HARRIS - AN/PVS-14 NIGHT VISION DEVICE (NVD) The PVS-14 is the standard-issue night vision optic serving US forces on the front lines of the Global War on Terror. Its phenomenal versatility makes it the premier choice for Law Enforcement Professionals...

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Ruger Vaquero 45lc 5.5" Sts 6rd - RSR-RUG05157


Traditional western-style, hand-filling grip has long been acknowledged as one of the most comfortable and natural-pointing of any grip style. Patented reverse indexing pawl allows for easier loading and unloading, while the traditional beveled cylinder...

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Mag Hi-pt 380acp 10rd #3895


Hi Points magazine is made to their specifications and tolerances using quality materials that provide perfect fit, durability and reliability.Features :Steel BodyPolymer Base PlateSteel Spring

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H-sun Enclosed Reflex Ti Mrs Grn Slr


The HE512T-GR is an enclosed reflex optical sight designed for rifle and carbine applications. Features include a Titanium housing, Holosuns Green Super LED with up to 50k hours battery life, Multi-Reticle System, Solar Failsafe, and Shake Awake.Features...

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Faxon Match Bbl P365 Xl Sflt Blk Tb


Faxons Match Series of barrels takes their renowned performance and value up a notch. Manufactured in-house from gun-barrel-quality bar-stock, the Match Series starts with 416-R in 5R rifling. 5R is a hybrid rifling, with lands opposite grooves and...

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Prvi Partizan

Ppu 7.62x39 Pointed Sp 123gr 20/1000


Recognized as a world leader in providing reliable consistent ammo, Prvi Partizan has been producing high quality ammunition since 1928. One of the largest and most versatile ammo makers in Europe, Prvi Partisan is also one of the most technologically...

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Sylvan Arms

Sylvan Arms G19 Gen3 Slide


Sylvan Arms Glock 19 Gen 3 Custom Glock Compatible Gun Slide is designed to improve accuracy and performance. Its perfect for the average shooter who is looking to improve performance and quality from their stock Glock slides.Features :Includes a Red Dot...

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Hsgi Gen 2 Sngle Pistol Taco Blk


The Generation 2 Pistol TACO is sleeker, lighter, and more versatile than the original. Like the Original Pistol TACO, the Gen 2 Pistol TACO holds 1 pistol magazine, or similarly sized items. Contoured molded sides allow easy insertion of magazines...

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Hsgi Gen 2 Dbl Dckr Taco Pstl Rfl Cb


The Generation 2 Double Handcuff TACO is sleeker, lighter and more versatile than the original. Like the Original TACOs, the Gen 2 Double Handcuff TACO fits virtually any handcuffs. Contoured flexible sides wrap around cuffs, preventing snagging...

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Hsgi Gen 2 Dbl Handcuff Taco Blk


The Generation 2 Double Handcuff TACO is sleeker, lighter and more versatile than the original. Like the Original TACOs, the Gen 2 Double Handcuff TACO fits virtually any handcuffs. Contoured flexible sides wrap around cuffs, preventing snagging...

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Hsgi X2r Taco Gen 2 Dbl Ar10 Mcb


Designed upon request for the USMC, the Gen 2 AR10 X2R is based off the normal X2R TACO but has been optimized for the larger AR10 style magazines. With adoption of larger caliber battle rifles, weapon systems using AR10 style (or similarly large bodied...

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Dead Air Armament

Dead Air Keymo Zero 5/8x24 .45 Cal


Dead Air Silencers is all about bringing the best materials, the best designers, and the best manufacturing techniques to the suppressor market. Because it needs it.Features :Key Mount45 CaliberBlack Nitride5/8X24 Thread Pitch

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Dead Air Armament

Dead Air Keymo Zero 1/2x28 .30 Cal


Dead Air Silencers is all about bringing the best materials, the best designers, and the best manufacturing techniques to the suppressor market. Because it needs it.Features :Key Mount30 CaliberBlack Nitride1/2X28 Thread Pitch

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Hsgi Gen 2 Sngle Pistol Taco Mcb


The Generation 2 Pistol TACO is sleeker, lighter, and more versatile than the original. Like the Original Pistol TACO, the Gen 2 Pistol TACO holds 1 pistol magazine, or similarly sized items. Contoured molded sides allow easy insertion of magazines...

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Hsgi Gen 2 Sngle Pistol Taco Coy


The Generation 2 Pistol TACO is sleeker, lighter, and more versatile than the original. Like the Original Pistol TACO, the Gen 2 Pistol TACO holds 1 pistol magazine, or similarly sized items. Contoured molded sides allow easy insertion of magazines...

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Hsgi Gen 2 Ext Pistol/smg Taco Mc


The Generation 2 Extended Pistol TACO is sleeker, lighter, and more versatile than the original. Like the Original Extended Pistol TACO, the Gen 2 Extended Pistol TACO holds 1 long pistol or SMG magazine, or similarly sized items such as batons or...

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Hsgi Gen 2 Ext Pistol/smg Taco Mcb


The Generation 2 Extended Pistol TACO is sleeker, lighter, and more versatile than the original. Like the Original Extended Pistol TACO, the Gen 2 Extended Pistol TACO holds 1 long pistol or SMG magazine, or similarly sized items such as batons or...

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Hsgi Gen 2 Ext Pistol/smg Taco Coy


The Generation 2 Extended Pistol TACO is sleeker, lighter, and more versatile than the original. Like the Original Extended Pistol TACO, the Gen 2 Extended Pistol TACO holds 1 long pistol or SMG magazine, or similarly sized items such as batons or...

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