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2.5" square


Shooters Choice

Shooters Choice 100pk 2.5" Patch


Shooters Choice 100% cotton 2 1/2 inch square gun cleaning patches are brushed on both sides to remove excess lint; and are super absorbent to not leave any streaking in your barrel.Features :100% Cotton"2.5" Square Patch,

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Southern Bloomer

Sthrn Blmr Rfl/pstl 2.5x2.5" 1000/bg


Southern Bloomer has been operating since the fall of 1978. Since then, they have quietly grown to become the leader in cotton knit cleaning patches serving multiple markets worldwide. Today, youll find Southern Bloomer(R) products in gun stores, police...

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Southern Bloomer

Sthrn Blmr Rfl/pstl 2.5x2.5" 125/bag


Southern Bloomer has been operating since the fall of 1978. Since then, they have quietly grown to become the leader in cotton knit cleaning patches serving multiple markets worldwide. Today, youll find Southern Bloomer(R) products in gun stores, police...

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Pro-Shot Products

Pro-shot Patch .45-.58cal 2.5" 250


From the once a year hunter, to the highly competitive bench rest shooter, Pro-Shot has become one of the most sought after brands when a shooter is simply looking for the best firearms cleaning equipment available! Competition Shooters, Hunters, Olympic...

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