Quick view Magpul Magpul Industries Corp Dt-pr, Magpul Mag1447odg Dtpr Carbine Stock Milspec $61.70 The dt-pr stock is the precision rifle (pr) variant of our new dual-tension (dt) series of carbine stocks.It incorporates magpuls proprietary, patent-pending dt adjustment system, mitigating play between the buffer tube and the stock, resulting in a... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Dt-pr Carb Stk Mil-spec Odg $61.70 The DT-PR Stock is the Precision Rifle (PR) variant in the DT series of carbine stocks. It features a bag rider that anchors the rifle on squeeze bags for precise shots, while remaining entirely functional as an on-the-move tactical platform. The DT-PR... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Industries Corp Dt-pr, Magpul Mag1440odg Moe Rl Carbine Stock Milspec $42.70 The moe rl (reversed lever) carbine stock is a streamlined, a-frame design that replaces oem stocks and provides clean aesthetics and ease of use.The easily accessible, unobtrusive, reversed adjustment lever is inset into the front of the stock, allowing... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Moe Rl Carb Stk Mil-spec Odg $42.70 The MOE RL Carbine Stock is a streamlined, A-frame carbine stock that replaces OEM stocks and provides clean aesthetics and ease of use. The easily accessible, unobtrusive reversed adjustment lever is inset into the front of the stock, allowing the... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Moe Pr Carbine Stock Odg $42.70 The MOE PR is a full-size carbine stock that blends the simplicity of the legacy MOE Carbine Stock with design lines reminiscent of the PRS Lite. These similarities naturally incorporate some of the features found on the PRS Lite, including a rest on the... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Industries Corp , Magpul Mag1435-odg Moe Pr Carbine Stock $42.70 Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Industries Corp Dt, Magpul Mag1377-odg Dt Carbine Stock Mil-spec $61.70 The dt carbine stock is a drop-in replacement buttstock for ar15/m16/m4 carbines (or comparable platforms) equipped with mil-spec profile receiver extensions.It merges the best features of the sl and ctr product lines with its new dual tensioning... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Dt Carb Stk Mil-spec Odg $61.70 The DT Carbine stock is a drop-in replacement for firearms equipped with a Mil-Spec receiver extension tube. Featuring dual tensioning technology, combining the best features of the SL and CTR stocks, the DT Carbine stock provides greater strength and... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Ctr Carb Stk Mil-spec Od $61.70 The Magpul CTR (Compact/Type Restricted) - Mil-Spec Model is a drop-in replacement buttstock for AR15/M16 carbines using mil-spec sized receiver extension tubes. Designed for light, fast action the streamlined A-frame profile avoids snagging and shields... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Moe Sl-s Stk Mil-spec Odg $85.45 The storage-capable version of the flagship Magpul MOE SL carbine stock, the MOE SL-S (Storage) Stock is a direct replacement buttstock for AR15/M4 carbines. The sleek profile, dual-side release latches, and waterproof battery tubes make it the slimmest... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Moe Fixed Stk Mil-spec Od $37.95 The MOE Fixed Carbine Stock - Mil-Spec Model (Magpul Original Equipment) provides an inexpensive, fixed, non-collapsing stock option for mil-spec size carbine-length buffer tubes. The MOE Fixed Carbine Stock has a slim profile, improved cheek weld, and... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Str Carb Stk Mil-spec Od $80.70 The Magpul STR (Storage/Type Restricted) is a drop-in replacement buttstock for AR15/M4 carbines using mil-spec sized receiver extension tubes. A storage-capable version of the CTR, the STR has improved cheek weld and two water resistant battery tubes on... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Moe Carb Stk Mil-spec Od $42.70 The MOE Stock - Mil-Spec Model (Magpul Original Equipment) is a drop-in replacement buttstock for AR15/M16 carbines using mil-spec sized receiver extension tubes. Designed for light, fast action the streamlined A-frame profile avoids snagging and shields... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Moe Sl Carb Stk Mil-spec Odg $61.70 The MOE SL Stock - Mil-Spec Model (MOE Slim Line) is a drop-in replacement buttstock for AR15/M4 carbines using mil-spec sized receiver extension tubes. Designed for the modern battlefield, the sleek profile, dual-side release latches, rolled toe, and... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Hogue Hogue Ar15 Stk Mil-spec Rbr Od $59.46 Hogues AR-15 Collapsible 6-Position Overmolded Stock uses technology that merges a durable polymer core with the soft comfort of rubber overmolding. This process creates a desirable collapsible stock that provides the ultimate in comfort along with... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view B5 Systems B5 Sopmod Stk Mil-spec Odg $95.00 The B5 Systems Enhanced SOPMOD Stock is a tried and true design for ultimate comfort and accuracy. An official pick of the U.S. military, our Enhanced SopMod stocks have helped thousands of soldiers make the most of their skill in the field. From active... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view B5 Systems B5 Systems Enhanced Sopmod Stock, B5 Sop-1097 Sopmod Stock Milspec Odg $95.00 The enhanced sopmod features ergonomic cheek weld, color matched steel hardware, overmolded steel anti rotational qd sling mounts, fixed sling mounts, no slip cushioned butt pad, sure-grip stock latch, and dual storage compartments.The enhanced sopmod is... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Hogue Hogue Overmolded, Hog 15240 Ar Coll Butt Milspec Odg $59.46 The ar overmolded collapsible buttstock features rubber friction fit for an anti-rattle design which prevents movement.It utilizes a shielded operation lever and swivel mounting positions.This model has an od green finish and is compatible with mil-spec... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view F.A.B. Defense Fab Defense (USIQ) FX-GLR16G GLR-16 AR15/M16 Rifle Buttstock Polymer OD Green $55.99 The glr-16 buttstock for your ar15/m16 provides you with enhanced versatility with it's stock extension and uniquely designed rubber butt pad for fast and stable shoulder positioning. Its unique patented "anti-rattle" mechanism, fits perfectly on... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Industries Corp Moe, Magpul Mag400-odg Moe Carbine Stock Mil-spec $42.70 Made in the usa, the moe stock mil-spec model (magpul original equipment) is a drop-in replacement buttstock for ar15/m16 carbines using mil-spec sized receiver extension tubes. Designed for light, fast action the streamlined a-frame profile avoids... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Industries Corp Acs-l, Magpul Mag378-odg Acs-l Carbine Stock Mil-spec $80.70 The magpul acs-l (adaptable carbine stock - light) is a drop-in replacement buttstock for ar15/m4 carbines using mil-spec sized receiver extension tubes.A streamlined version of the acs, the acs-l utilizes the same center storage compartment and cheek... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Industries Corp Acs, Magpul Mag370-odg Acs Carbine Stock Mil-spec $90.20 Made in the usa, the magpul acs (adaptable carbine/storage) mil-spec model is a drop-in replacement buttstock for ar15/m4 carbines using mil-spec sized receiver extension tubes.Dual, rear accessible, water-resistant battery storage tubes and an integral... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Magpul Magpul Industries Corp Ctr, Magpul Mag310-odg Ctr Carbine Stock Mil-spec $61.70 The magpul ctr (compact/type restricted) mil-spec model is a drop-in replacement buttstock for ar15/m16 carbines using mil-spec sized receiver extension tubes.Designed for light, fast action the streamlined a-frame profile avoids snagging and shields the... Compare Add to Cart