Quick view DeSantis Gunhide DeSantis Gunhide 189NJ9QZ0 Wild Hog OWB Natural Leather Belt Fits Heritage Rough Rider and Ruger Wrangler Belt 1.75" Wide Ambidextrous $42.63 The wild hog field and range holster can be worn cross draw or with a forward cant and is ambidextrous.It's built from premium top grain steer hide and center cut steer hide and features an adjustable tension device.It is now or soon will be available... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Bulldog Bulldog MLBS Molded OWB Black Leather Belt Slide Fits Bersa Thunder 380 Fits Ruger LCP Fits Sig 230 Right Hand $22.49 These molded belt slide holsters are made from quality leather that has been hand tooled and tanned to provide a durable, attractive product.The unique design of each holster allows for multiple fits, eliminating the problem of having so many costly... Compare Add to Cart