Quick view BLACKHAWK Bh Serpa Cqc Bl/pdl Ber Px4 Rh Blk $37.87 Featuring their patented SERPA Auto-Lock(TM) technology, the SERPA CQC Concealment Holster delivers a smooth draw, easy re-holster and unparalleled handgun security in a sleek package that is perfect for concealed carry. Features a passive retention... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view BLACKHAWK Bh Serpa Cqc Bl/pdl Ber 92 Rh Blk $37.87 Featuring their patented SERPA Auto-Lock(TM) technology, the SERPA CQC Concealment Holster delivers a smooth draw, easy re-holster and unparalleled handgun security in a sleek package that is perfect for concealed carry. Features a passive retention... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Safariland Safariland 7ts, Saf 7378-73-411 7ts Als Paddle Hlstr for Beretta 92,92F,92FS,92D $75.00 The safariland model 7378 7ts als concealment holster is constructed of safariseven, a proprietary nylon blend that is completely non-abrasive to a firearm's finish.And is a paddle and belt loop combo holster.Features an open-top design without sls for... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Safariland Safariland 578 Gls, Saf 578-750-412 Gls Pro-fit Hlstr Lh Beretta APX 9/40 $73.00 The model 578 gls pro-fit features the unique gls (grip lock system) an innovative technology that automatically secures the weapon when holstered and releases.The holster body is constructed with safariseven, a lightweight, state-of-the-art nylon blend... Compare Add to Cart