Quick view DeSantis Gunhide Desantis Insider M&p45 Shield Rh Blk $26.01 For concealment with comfort, the Insider(R) contains design features to minimize bulk. It is made with a heavy-duty spring steel clip positioned high for deep cover. The leather is soft and un-molded. Available in black.Features :Minimal design to... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view DeSantis Gunhide Desantis Gunhide Slim-tuk, Des 137kj5ez0 Slim Tuk Ambi Kydex S&W M&P Shield 45 $37.13 The slim-tuk is a new minimal ambidextrous iwb holster fashioned from kydex sheet. One of the most unique features about this iwb holster is that it uses our tuck-able 360 c-clip, which affords the wearer unlimited mounting options. The hardware can... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view DeSantis Gunhide Desantis Gunhide Insider, Des 031ba5ezo 031 Insider S&W M&P 45 $27.69 For concealment with comfort, the insider contains design features to minimize bulk.It is made with a heavy duty spring steel clip positioned high for deep cover.The leather is soft and un-molded.Type: Belt HolsterColor: BlackMaterial: LeatherSize: 4"... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Galco Galco Kingtuk, Galco Kt826b King Tuk Dlx Sw Shield 45 Blk $61.87 Galco's highly popular kingtuk deluxe tuckable iwb reigns supreme in comfort, speed, and versatility.The patented kingtuk deluxe provides the best of both worlds: a comfortable backing plate with center cut steerhide lining and a smooth leather front... Compare Add to Cart