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Rock Island


Rock Island

Rock Island 51994 Tac Ult Ms 10m 4.25 8r Blk


The tac series is rock island armory's most versatile, all-around 1911 and includes precise engineering elements built with every tactical advantage and choice you could want.All tac series 1911s include a full-length under-picatinny tactical rail to...

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Rock Island

Rock Island Pro Ultra Mtch 10mm 16rd


The PRO Match Ultra HC 6" is a target grade pistol ready for competition right out of the box. Built by the master gunsmiths in the Rock Island Armory Medallion, its chambered in 10mm with a 16-round capacity and adjustable LPA rear sight and high...

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Rock Island

Rock Island Pro Pro Ult Mtch 10mm 6in 52008


The pro match ultra is a target grade pistol ready for competition right out of the box.This pistol has a 6" barrel chambered in 10mm with a 8-round capacity.It has an adjustable lpa rear sight and high visibility fiber optic front sight along with a...

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