Quick view Code Blue Code Blue Standing Estrous, Code Oa1339 Standing Estrous 1.5 Oz $34.60 With its unique collection process and extremely limited run of availability each season, hunters who are lucky enough to snag a bottle of standing estrous are getting the most powerful scent... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue Code Blue Hair/body Foam, Code Oa1435 Hair And Body Foaming Scent Eliminator $12.59 The new unscented hair & body foam helps suppress natural smell, giving the competitive edge to go undetected by deer.This versatile foam comes in a generous 4 oz.Bottle and is gentle on skin and... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue Code Blue Field Spray, Code Oa1307 Unscented Field Spray 24 Oz $7.87 Give the best chance of drawing in that trophy buck by staying as undetectable as possible.Prepare by using d/code unscented field spray from code blue, which helps mask scent before stepping into... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue Code Blue Expandable Wicks, Code Oa1340 Expandable Wicks 6 Pack $4.72 The expandable wicks are a great partner to the code blue urines.Acting like a sponge, the wicks go from flat to swole when inserted into a scent bottle and are effective tools for keeping that aroma... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue Code Blue Code Red, Code Oa1333 Code Red Estrous / Drag Combo $7.08 This convenient combination is perfect for a trip to the woods during the rut.Pour code red doe estrous onto the tentacles of the drag to create a scent trail leading to your hunting site.Species:... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue Code Blue Rope-a-dope, Code Oa1419 Rope A Dope $17.31 Bucks will deposit scent from their glands on low-hanging limbs by vigorously licking and rubbing to mark their territory with an unmistakable aroma.The rope-a-dope combo helps amplify the action... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue Code Blue Doe Estrous, Code Oa1089 Doe Estrous Drag System 1 Oz $12.59 Mimic the trail of an individual doe in heat by combining doe estrous with this sturdy single drag.Perfect for use during the rut, this convenient bundle helps be more hunt-ready.Pour the doe estrous... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue Code Blue Screamin' Heat, Code Oa1418 Screamin' Heat Stick $11.41 One of code blues hottest estrous scents is even easier to use thanks to its wax stick formula.Developed through extensive scientific research and collected with meticulous accuracy, screamin heat is... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue Code Blue Buck Tarsal Gland, Code Oa1424 Tarsal Gland Whole $11.80 Found on the hind legs of deer, tarsal glands secrete a musk that deer use to identify other deer and keep tabs on their status in different areas.Buck tarsal gland contains a real whole tarsal gland... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue Code Blue D/code, Code Oa1327 Eliminx Laundry Detergent $10.71 Avoid spooking your prey by washing your gear with this code blue d/code scent elimination unscented laundry detergent, which eradicates the smells of pets, smoke and your own body to keep you... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue Code Blue D/code, Code Oa1308 Body Wash/shampoo 12oz $7.26 D/code body wash and shampoo is an all-natural formula that employs medical-grade nanosilver particles to wipe out odor and mask your natural scent, so you can track game with confidence.D/code is... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue Code Blue Coon, Code Oa1106 Coon Urine 2oz $4.67 The scent of raccoons is a common odor in the woods, making code blue's coon urine cover scent extremely effective against the nose of your target.Especially useful for deer hunting in a tree stand... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue CODE OA1310 ELIMINX SPRAY UNSCENTED $9.07 D/code unscented field spray is specially formulated to eliminate up to 99.9% of odors even after it has dried, so you'll become virtually undetectable to the wildlife.The patented formula finds and... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue CODE OA1135 SCRAPE MATE 1OZ $10.31 Code blue's scrape mate creates unbelievable scrape activity during the early/late season and rubbing anywhere bucks are marking their territory.Containing pure buck urine collected from a single... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue Code Blue OA1074 Double Drag Deer 2 oz $19.00 Code blue's double drag combo will make whitetail bucks come running when you create a convincing scent trail using this true-to-life system.The absorbent double-drag rag lets you use two deer scents... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue Code Blue OA1026 Whitetail Estrous Gel 2 oz $10.48 When you're looking to draw in rutting bucks with the irresistible scent of a doe in heat that won't quit, code blues pure estrous urine gel is the ticket.Featuring a viscous honey-like consistency,... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue CODE OA1004 DOE URINE 1OZ $7.99 When you want pure doe urine and nothing else, choose code blues pure whitetail doe urine.It is ideal for all-season use and works great on drags to lure in does or mask your scent from trophy bucks... Compare Add to Cart
Quick view Code Blue CODE OA1003 BUCK URINE 1OZ $9.68 When you want pure buck urine and nothing else, choose code blue's pure buck urine.Smelling more than one deer can spook a buck; with urine collected from a single buck, you'll get unmatched... Compare Add to Cart